Friday, August 4, 2023

Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial

There are a lot of Lincoln related historic sites and memorials. On this trip we went to the Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial. This site was first established in the 1940s and was administered by the state of Indiana until 1962 when congress established it as a national memorial.

The outside wall of the Visitor Center has a wall with large sculpture panels and inside there is a small museum that tells the Lincoln story. You can walk to the Lincoln homesite where there are reconstructed buildings and gardens that give you a feel of the life that Abe had from age 7 when they moved there until they moved to Illinois in 1830. The original site of the cabin has been excavated and walled in so you can see the actual size of the home. This is a stop worth making to see first-hand the environment that you read about elsewhere.

There are a lot of pictures on the NPS site that I link to above so I won't add many here.

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